that was pretty cool
nice and simple with a good message.
that was pretty cool
nice and simple with a good message.
that was cool
I liked it. how long did that take?
not too bad
I liked the music. Voice actors might make it better.
Though my friend and I can voice act, I doubt we'll actually do so in the future. Thanks for the concern though.
aw that was sad
poor turkey
Pretty good
I thought this was a Japanese show though Spanish?
spanish version of the japanese show XD
that was pretty good, but people would like it better if you would put a story to it. Great job though.
I have a story. It just isn't for this movie. I'll make a movie with a plot and story and meaningful characters someday...But not today. I'm glad you liked it, though.
They jack off on the Bingerbread man??
I really dont see how that would be funny, and then they eat him???WTF, that was just garbage.
You people who can't take a joke make it all worthwhile.
Thanks for the laughs!
That was funny
Age 34, Male
Antioch High
Joined on 6/1/04